Birth Stories

Dechlan's Birth 
Photo Courtesy of FreeSpirit Studios
"Hello! My name is Kaleigh and I had the most beautiful amazing birth with my second son Dechlan, that I share it every opportunity I could. I took hypnobirthing classes with Erin Glasser-Devore before and that was an amazing part of my birth." Read full story here.

Bradan's Birth
"Even though I was not able to have the unmedicated birth I had planned I was still able to stay relaxed and in the "zen" mode I had originally wanted. The whole process was stress free and relaxed between me and the doctors involved and went smoothly for the new "modified" birth plan."

My birth story . . . . . Bradan Henry Allan 8/16/2012 8lbs 10oz 21 inches long <3

I had been preparing for a non medicated labor and delivery using the hypnobirthing techniques I had learned along with some yoga. Not the stretches but the "zen" sense that yoga gives you to help relax.

As we were getting closer to the due date the doctors and midwives were worried because Bradan was breech and not the good kind. He had one leg up by his head and one down low. They continually attempted to get me to have an External Cephelic Version better know as ECV. This procedure comes with high risks and not even good success rates. Bryan and I decided not to proceed with the ECV and attempt seeing a chiropractor to possibly adjust my pelvis and spine to try and make room for Bradan to flip on his own. I really wish I had seen a chiropractor for the full pregnancy to have really given Bradan the chance to flip and head down. I had managed to see the chiropractor twice a week from for the 37th and 38th week and once during the 39th.

At my 39th week appointment he was still breech and the doctor highly recommended a C Section as his legs had yet to change position. They did not want me to wait to go into labor and end up having an emergency C Section due to his positioning. Bryan and I agreed as we did not want my labor and delivery to turn into a life or death scenerio for Bradan or I. So we scheduled the C Section on Thursday August 16, 2012.

We got to the hospital and I was allowed to have my ipod the entire time from start to finish. Needless to say the OB Triage nurse wasnt the best for patient care or interaction so my ipod was put in within 15 minutes of being at the hospital to tone her out. Other than her everything went as planned for the operation. The doctor stated the his legs had both managed to be up by his head but was still breech when he was born.

Even though I was not able to have the unmedicated birth I had planned I was still able to stay relaxed and in the "zen" mode I had originally wanted. The whole process was stress free and relaxed between me and the doctors involved and went smoothly for the new "modified" birth plan.

In the recovery stage of my C Section every nurse, doctor, aid that saw me was amazed by my lack of pain and quick turn around. I do believe that with my hypnobirthing techiniques that kept me relaxed during surgery stayed with me and helped me recover. I kept relaxed and calm durning every aspect of my labor and delivery and into recovery. I was informed that most C Section patients stay in the hospital for atleast four days and I was out of the hospital by that Saturday on August 18. All my tubes were removed the night of surgery and I was able to get up and leave my bed that day to use the bathroom. The following day / uber early morning I even managed to make a small walk around the recovery floor. I managed to walk and shower on my own and took only pain meds every six hours as oposed to the hand drip that you can take every ten minutes. Even though my original birth plan was to be unmedicated and unassisted I feel that with my quick recovery and lack of pain medications that I was at least partially able to achieve my original goal.

Bryan, Bradan and I have been home safe and we can't get enough of his little face. He is my little man and I can't wait for what the future holds. If we do have anymore kids I definetely am going to attempt a VBAC. 

Cassidy's Birth

Hypnobirthing works!! We used it for the birth of our first child and now both my husband and myself recommend it to everyone we know.  From the time my water broke to the time Cassidy was born, it took about nine and a half hours with three and a half hours of active labor.  We were very blessed to have such a quick delivery.  I greatly believe that our positive experience can be attributed to Hypnobirthing empowering you to calm yourself and work with your laboring body and baby. Thanks to Hypnobirthing and Erin, we achieved the natural birth we wanted in the hospital and had a healthy baby girl with no complications or interference.     

Check here for more stories of HypnoBirthing births from around the world.

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