My move to Texas has been such a wonderful transition for our family, but also for me personally. I have completed my schooling for a diploma of hypnotherapy. I've also been working on some individual certifications and have earned advanced certification in Hypnosis for PTSD (which I hope to use with women who have experienced birth or personal trauma in the past that may interfere with their current goals or birth), Hypnosis for Weight-Loss, Hypnosis for Immune Disorders (one of the most inspiring courses I've ever taken!), Certification in Handwriting Analysis, and I still have more to complete!
We are balancing time and family and work in ways that are really coming together, and as the school year begins I'm excited to let that balance shift to some more work with local families using these wonderful tools I'm acquiring. In October, I'll attend the Annual HypnoBirthing Conclave and plan to complete a certification course in Infant Massage after the conference wraps up. As I've been using more and more essential oils in my own home, with my family, and combining that with therapeutic touch, I'm so grateful to have this new offering for my expectant families.
In addition to my professional development I've been doing on my own, I've been able to connect with local birth and maternity professionals in the Houston area and am overwhelmend by the wealth of advocates in the community. I am finding that many of the parents who come to take my classes are referred by health professionals in the community, which is a new and exciting change for me. While in the past couples usually found me in a search for natural birth solutions, I'm finding more and more that HypnoBirthing is a highly respected part of the mainstream and alternative birthing community, and that's a good thing for everyone!
I also had the pleasure of sitting in on a local HypnoBirthing training a few months ago, and am so energized by the way HypnoBirthing is taking Houston's birthing community by CALM. We have come together and formed the Houston HypnoBirthing Network, and are able to work together without competition or animosity. Being part of such an amazing community dedicating to helping others is such an honor.